Potential Next Steps for Reopening

We hope you have had the opportunity to watch our recent interview with executive director Kate Markert. In the 14-minute Zoom video, one of the topics Kate touches on is Hillwood’s potential next steps for reopening. With the District of Columbia extending their stay at home orders to June 8, Hillwood will continue to remain closed to the public for the time being. The management team continues to prepare a strategy for reopening once it is safe to do so.

Reopening Plan

Hillwood supports the guidance that reopening should be gradual and follow best practices for social distancing and other risk mitigation measures. Following government and health authority guidance, as well as helpful practices shared by other organizations, the management team is developing a phased approach for reopening Hillwood. Absent specific dates and guidelines regarding reopening, we are developing a variety of scenarios for when we can safely begin opening to the public. In the meantime, following are some of the policies and procedures that we are considering:

  • Most likely, Hillwood reopens in phases, probably starting with the gardens first, on a limited capacity. We envision the use of advance reservations with timed entry, temperature checks, masks, and the reinforcement of social distancing practices. Details regarding reservation information and visiting policies will become more specific once we have further guidance from D.C.
  • Overtime, indoor spaces, such as the mansion, will also gradually reopen with limited capacity.
  • Groups and programming will continue to be on hold until further notice.

Volunteer Service

While we wish we could fast-forward and be on the other side of this pandemic, the gradual reopening of Hillwood will take time. Your ability to remain away from campus allows those who must be on campus to have a safer workspace. To create the safe environment for the early reopening phases, volunteers and non-essential staff will remain off campus:

  • All volunteer service, activities, and requirements (including horticulture) will continue to be suspended.
  • All non-essential staff will continue to work from home.

Your health and safety remain a top priority and while this pause on service is not ideal, your continued service in the long-term is our goal once Hillwood can return to full operational status with all volunteer roles back on campus. In the interim, staff will continue to engage with the volunteers virtually and keep you abreast of news or changes.

Thank you to everyone for your positive approach to these difficult times. Your thoughtfulness, and support of one another keep us all uplifted. If you have any questions regarding the reopening plans, please feel free to reach us at volunteers@hillwoodmuseum.org.

Please continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands, and keep yourself and your families safe.


Lisa Leyh and Drew Asbury