Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean

We are excited to share that on Monday our collections team began installing objects in the mansion in conjunction with the upcoming exhibition Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean, which opens to the public on June 8 in the Adirondack building. More objects will be installed in the first week of June. Below you will find more information related to Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean, including the exhibition label text and upcoming virtual volunteer lecture.  

Upcoming Exhibition: Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean

The oceans are essential to life. Covering over 70% of Earth, they have remained an object of fascination, both treasured and feared, throughout history. Humanity has benefited from the rich and diverse fauna, flora, and resources the oceans provide, continually taking from these bodies of water for our gain. Fragile Beauty will explore the art of the ocean throughout Hillwood’s collection, from representations of the ocean to pieces created with its precious materials, while contrasting such works with contemporary art. This special exhibition will demonstrate the beauty of and admiration for these magnificent waters while raising the question of how to balance its preservation for future generations.

Mansion Rotation and Exhibition Label Text
Enjoy reading the exhibition label text and general mansion rotation information: Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean and Mansion Displays: Label and Display Information. For objects currently on view in the mansion, please see pages 6-12.

Virtual Volunteer Lecture: Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean
June 10 (Monday), 10 a.m.
Join us on Monday, June 10 at 10 a.m. for a virtual volunteer lecture on Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean with Dr. Wilfried Zeisler, deputy director and chief curator. How to Attend: All volunteers are invited to attend and no advance registration is needed. A Zoom link with the meeting instructions will be emailed to all volunteers closer to the program date. The session will be recorded and the video link shared via email and posted on the volunteer website.

Volunteer Website: Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean Exhibition Information Page
The volunteer website has been updated with the above document and information. Please consult the Fragile Beauty: Art of the Ocean Exhibition Information page for existing and forthcoming materials. We will send out email notifications with any future updates to the page.

We are excited to open the exhibition in the Adirondack building to the public on Saturday, June 8. If you have any questions about the education materials or upcoming lecture, please do not hesitate to reach out.