Updated Videography Policy and Gathering Volunteer Feedback

We’re excited to announce a significant change: we are lifting the restriction on videography inside the mansion! When this rule was first put in place, video cameras were bulky, hard to manage, and could easily block the user’s view. But the world has changed, and so has technology. Today, most of us have a powerful video camera right in our pocket, capable of capturing incredible moments with just a tap.

Embracing New Technology

It wasn’t too long ago that we also prohibited photography inside the mansion, but when we updated that policy, we embraced the reality that our guests want to capture and share their Hillwood experience. Now, phones can shoot stunning photos in burst mode, create breathtaking panoramas, zoom impressively, and record video with professional quality—all from the same device. The line between photography and videography has blurred, and it’s time for our policy to reflect that.

Guidelines for Filming During Tours

While filming is permitted in the gardens, it is uncommon for visitors to film during garden tours, and we don’t anticipate frequent videography during mansion tours. If mansion docents notice filming occurring during their tour and feel uncomfortable at any point, they are empowered to politely decline being recorded.

Docents can kindly explain to visitors that, to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all guests, we ask visitors to refrain from filming the tours. Let them know that this helps maintain a smooth and engaging experience for everyone involved. For more guidance on how to address the videography policy during mansion tours, please refer to the Updated Videography Policy and Tour Introduction document.

Your Comfort Matters

If you find yourself in a situation where filming occurs during your shift in the mansion and it makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to politely decline to be recorded.

You can gently explain to visitors, “To ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment, we ask that filming during the tours/of volunteers be avoided. We appreciate your understanding, as it helps us maintain a comfortable environment for both guests and volunteers. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome and focused on the beautiful surroundings and the rich history of Hillwood.”

Gathering Volunteer Feedback

We value your role in delivering an exceptional experience to our visitors, and your insights are critical. If you have any feedback to share from your volunteer shifts relating to the updated videography policy, please provide your feedback online via this link.

Equipment Restrictions & Collection Safety

For your reference, please note that other photographic equipment—including flashes, tripods, reflectors, models, costumes —are not permitted inside any interior spaces. Selfie sticks are also prohibited inside the mansion; however, tripods may be used in the gardens. For a full overview of our policies, please consult the Photography and Filming Policy page on Hillwood’s website. 

This new policy will not be broadly advertised, so we do not anticipate a significant increase in filming. However, if a visitor is being disruptive or distracting others while filming, please feel free to reach out to the Security team for assistance.

Our main priority remains protecting the collection, so we ask that visitors continue to be mindful of their surroundings. Whether you’re snapping a panorama or filming a video, enjoy the beauty of Hillwood—responsibly!


Thank you for your attention to these updates, and for your continued dedication to providing the best possible visitor experience. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at  volunteers@hillwoodmuseum.org.