Department Spotlight: Museum Shop

With most of Hillwood’s employees working remotely, communication between departments can face some hurdles. In an effort to keep volunteers and staff informed, director of human resources Samantha Hernandez has been conducting a series of video interviews with a variety of departments across campus.

Samantha spoke with Lauren Salazar, head of merchandising, on how she and the sales team are maintaining the welcoming environment and well-curated selection of merchandise our shoppers have come to expect during a Hillwood visit while also creating a safe space following social distancing best practices. Lauren shares the latest updates from the museum shop, such as new visitor safety guidelines, our most popular items, and a sneak peek at a few incoming holiday items that will surely be on the top of everyone’s shopping list this season.

Friendly Reminder: New Museum Shop Volunteer Discount

Each Wednesday, the museum shop is offering an additional 10% discount to volunteers and staff on regularly priced merchandise through the end of the year. Learn how to redeem the new discount while shopping in-person or online.