Volunteer Parking at Hillwood
There are two designated areas for volunteers to park at Hillwood: along the back railing behind the café, C.W. Post, and administration building or along lower gate drive. Whenever driving on Hillwood’s campus, please be sure to follow speed limits, be aware of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and follow the instructions given by the security officers. As a friendly reminder, please do not move cones that have been placed in parking areas.
Weekday Parking
After entering through the upper gate, volunteers can choose to park along the back railing by driving through the visitor center parking lot and following the road to the parking area behind the café and administration building. Please remember: the first parking spaces on the left are reserved for buses.
During the week, volunteers can park in the unnumbered spaces along the back railing or on lower gate drive.
For volunteers who would prefer to utilize the parking on lower gate drive, please use caution when driving to the lower gate drive parking area, whether by using the access road or completing a three-point turn at the lower gate.
Weekend Parking
After entering through the upper gate, volunteers can choose to park along the back railing by driving through the visitor center parking lot and following the road to the parking area behind the café and administration building. Please remember: the first parking spaces on the left are reserved for buses.
During the weekend, volunteers can utilize the numbered spaces behind the café, C.W. Post, and the administration building with the exception of spaces 20-23, which are reserved for the café staff members working on the weekends.
For volunteers who would prefer to utilize the parking on lower gate drive, please use caution when driving to the lower gate drive parking area, whether by using the access road or completing a three-point turn at the lower gate.
Driving Routes & Parking Maps
Downloadable versions of Hillwood’s volunteer parking and driving routes maps, shown below, are available here.